About Us
The Rose City Timberliners Chorus represents the Greater Portland Chapter of the Barbershop Harmony Society, formerly know as SPEBSQSA (The Society for the Preservation and Encouragement of Barber Shop Quartet Singing in America, Inc.).
We perform in senior centers, parks and community events around the Portland metro area about 30 times a year. We sing at Christmas, Veteran’s Day and other seasonal events. Chapter quartets also perform numerous paid “Singing Valentines” each year.
Our chorus is directed by Mr. Gary Shannon. He encourages each of us, whatever our abilities, to sing our best. You may have read that medical studies have shown that singing is beneficial for both mental and physical health. Come to a few of our rehearsals and you will believe it.
It is the mission of the Greater Portland Chapter/Rose City Timberliners Chorus, a chapter of the Barbershop Harmony Society, to share and encourage the joy of singing four-part harmony through continual skill building, performance and community service.